Alpha Theta Class
Fall 2011
Name: Lisa Chin
Nickname: Radical
Ethnicity: Chinese
Interests: Shopping, laughing, music, eating and anything fun!
Favorite Quote: "People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.” - Marilyn Monroe
Status: Alumna
Big Sis: Dolly "Whirlwind" Chen (αAZ)
Little Sis: N/A
Name: Jennifer Ng
Nickname: Fatality
Ethnicity: Cantonese
Interests: Eating, Shopping, Hanging out with Friends, Exercising
Favorite Quote: "Live without pretending, love without depending, listen without defending, speak without offending" -Drake
Status: Alumna
Big Sis: Sharon "Immortality" Hsu (ηT)
Little Sis: Debbie "Caveat" Chang (αγI)
Name: Beena Wu
Nickname: mica
Ethnicity: Chinese/Laotian
Interests: food, makeup, shopping, being happy and spending time with people I love
Favorite Quote: "Everything happens for a reason. You just have to be the one to decide whether it will make you or break you."
Status: Alumna
Big Sis: Melissa "Reaction" Lee (αΨ)
Little Sis: Yi Fang "Diaspore" Chen (αAΞ)