Alpha Xi Class
Spring 2016
Name: Shirley Chen
Nickname: Moscato
Ethnicity: Chinese
Interests: Living life
Favorite Quote: "Friendship is like peeing on yourself: Everyone can see it but only you get the warm feeling that it brings" - Robert Bloch
Status: Active
Big Sis: Chloe "Dasani" Lim (αΑΚ)
Name: Yi Fang Chen
Nickname: Diaspore
Ethnicity: Cantonese
Interest: Food, shopping, DIYs, music, Kanye, bowling, home decor, outdoor activities, dramas
Favorite Quote: KISS Principle- Keep it Simple Stupid
Status: Active
Big Sis: Beena "mica" Wu (αΑΘ)
Name: Resha Dehiwala
Nickname: Huayra
Ethnicity: Sri Lankan
Interests: traveling, cooking, tennis, writing
Favorite Quote: "Jump and grow wings on the way down."
Status: Active
Big Sis: Jenny "Impreza" Zeng (αΑΜ)
Name: Jackie Liao
Nickname: CREED
Ethnicity: Chinese
Interests: Drake, chillin, make up, your man
Favorite Quote: "You want to get upper lip done too?" - Nita, my eyebrow lady
Status: Active
Big Sis: Louise "SNAZZY!" Dominado (αΑΗ)
Name: Amanda Rowe
Nickname: Inimitable
Ethnicity: Chinese
Interests: Twerking and ramen
Favorite Quote: Just because you are trash doesn't mean you can't do great things. It's called garbage can, not garbage cannot.
Status: Active
Big Sis: Hui "Infallible" Lin (αAΛ)
Name: Ice Tam
Nickname: Sorceress
Ethnicity: Chinese
Interests: Volleyball, Cooking, Tennis, Drawing, Traveling, Hanging out with friends
Favorite Quote: Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'! - Audrey Hepburn
Status: Active
Big Sis: Michelle *Huntress* Tan (αΑΚ)
Name: Michelle Wu
Nickname: Armageddon
Ethnicity: Chinese
Interests: Sharks, YouTube, potatoes, body modifications (ie piercings, tattoos, dyed hair, etc), mermaids, animals, cosplay, being a cat, modeling, marine biology, Instagram, Harry Potter, and most importantly, sharks.
Favorite Quote: "Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable." -Banksy
Status: Active
Big Sis: Gabriella "Arwen" Yannotti (αAΛ)
Name: Annie (Xue) Zhao
Nickname: Rosario
Ethnicity: Chinese
Interests: Volleyball, Badminton, League of Legends, Traveling, Desserts
Favorite Quote: "We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses. "-Abraham Lincoln
Status: Active
Big Sis: Emily "Rasasvada" Sui (αAΜ)